Ancient Egyptian civilization

The civilization of ancient Egypt is one of the longest and most ancient civilizations, and despite its decline at times, it was regaining its strength to come back stronger than before, which led to its continuation for several centuries……


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Coptic civilization

Christianity entered Egypt in the middle of the first century AD, and with the entry of St. Mark in Alexandria in 65 AD, the first Coptic Church was established in Egypt. At the end of the third century AD, Christians were persecuted by Emperor Diocletian. The Copts took the year in which Diocletian ascended the throne (284 AD) as the beginning of the Coptic calendar.

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Islamic civilization

During the Islamic rule, Egypt witnessed a comprehensive renaissance in urbanization and arts, represented in Islamic architecture by establishing many mosques, castles, forts and walls, as well as decorative arts, which were represented in the first Islamic capital in Egypt, which is the city of “Fustat” and where the Amr Ibn Al-Aas Mosque is located. The Nilometer on Al-Rawda Island is the oldest trace Egyptian Islamic, which was established by the Abbasid Caliph…

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modern Egyptian civilization

It is the period starting from May 13, 1805 until now in Egyptian history, meaning that it starts from the date of the Egyptian people’s revolution against the Ottoman governor Khurshid Pasha, which resulted in Muhammad Ali Pasha’s accession to the rule of Egypt under a firman from the Ottoman Caliph, so it is called Muhammad Ali Pasha The title of the founder of modern Egypt,

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